A blogger seeking a richer life... in a wasteland called the suburbs... for my family, myself, and anyone who will listen!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

'FatSecret' is NO Secret!

The beginning of a New Year, a New Week, a New Day...

"It's time to REALLY get serious about losing some weight,
 and getting back to where I was in '08"...  That's my mantra right now and my weight goal is in sight, thanks to an app (FREE TOO!) I have on my new Droid phone called 'Calorie Counter' by Fatsecret.  It's simple, and has allowed me to scrutinize all those hidden calories I was taking in so unconsciously, a bite here and 2 bites there... So, calories In, calories Out, it's that simple...  There are 4 different ways to look up calories, you can even scan the barcode on the package... Since I love to cook, and do a lot of it for the family, it takes a little more time to calculate your calories if you're using a combination of fresh ingredients, but as my husband jokingly says, "it's time away from eating", and I can input the info on the run while I'm waiting at one of the kids activities.  It really does make me think about what I want versus what I'm just eating...

Eventually I won't need to count the calories, I'll know, but until I get back on track, right now I'm  happy with my progress and psyched about the results.  For example, I was shocked at how many calories were in the "Vincent's Tomato Sauces" we were eating, about 100 calories for half a cup, versus delicious 'Trader Joe's Rustico' at less than half the calories.  What is your favorite tomato/marinara sauce in a jar?

 Tomorrow I'll be looking at 'reflective workout clothes' for the Winter...

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