A blogger seeking a richer life... in a wasteland called the suburbs... for my family, myself, and anyone who will listen!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Turn Off TV... Turn On Stumbleupon!

Monday night there's nothing on TV we really like, so I say we call it a "Stumbleupon" family night!  I mentioned it briefly in my blog yesterday... it's a special search engine taylored to your (or your families) interests, and the more you 'stumble' the better it gets'... Try it!  So last night I stumbled into vaiavanti.com, with 46 very COOL & simple animations, some of which were interactive.  I shared them with my kids (getting a lot of WOWs)... and they loved it!

Yesterday I had boots on my blog from Anthropologie, and today again, beautiful objects that are frozen in a spectacular display!


  1. Wow! never heard of this, but I think I will have to ty it with the kiddies. Sounds fun. :) Plus, how many times can one woman watch Spongebob without hurting someone? Really?!

  2. I am going to have to check this out - we have banished the tv until after the kids are in bed - but we love exploring and checking out new sites. Happy Sits Day!

  3. I've heard a lot about this StumbleUpon. I think I need to go check it out!

  4. Stopping by from SITS. I've been wondering about StumbleUpon myself. Thanks for the information. I'm going to check it out today.

  5. Hmmm...I've wondered about StumbleUpon. Like Kerri, above, I'm definitely tempted to check it out!

  6. I like stumbled upon, too. What a great idea for replacing the mind-numbing dumbness on TV.

  7. what a cool idea! We might do this as well. The other day kiddo and I had a blast just watching fun videos on YouTube together...stumbleupon seems like a great extension for us :)

  8. I know StumbleUpon, but haven't really explored all it has to offer. This is a great idea!

  9. I recently signed up to StumbleUpon but have to confess I havent' done much stumbling yet. This post makes me want to check it out again - and what a fun idea for a family TV-free night!

    Happy SITS day ;-)
