A blogger seeking a richer life... in a wasteland called the suburbs... for my family, myself, and anyone who will listen!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Yeah SITStahood!

I'm so excited, no not that it's Friday, yes I'm happy it's Friday, but I'm excited about the BIG news I got last night after my husband and I were leaving Back-To-School night at my sons middle school.  Music to my ears...  those three (or is it four) notes that alert me to an incoming email on my phone broke the silence as we were leaving the parking lot.  After reading and rereading the email,  I realized it was a message notifying me that it was finally my turn to be in the mommy blogging spotlight... WOW!

That means that Monday, in just three days, it's my special day to be a featured blogger on The SITS Girls, The Secret is in the Sauce, a wonderfully supportive community of 7,000 women that blog.  They show their support by leaving comments.  I'm nervous and excited and I have work to do to get ready.

So for those of you that read and support my blog but have no idea what this is all about, first of all... THANKS...  and 'stay tuned' for a glimpse into the blogosphere and just how BIG and limitless it is... you may find some women whose voices you relate to and you may want to follow their blogs too!

Thanks Tiffany and Mama Kat!

Have a great weekend and as my Dad would say, "Hurry back y'all!".


  1. Happy SITS day! I love New York and although I have not been there physically, I think I have a New York heart. Have a great day and enjoy the spotlight!

  2. Happy SITS Day! How exciting! I'm jealous that you're writing freelance a bit. Really cool!

    Enjoy your SITS Day!

  3. Congrats on being the featured SITS blogger!
    I haven't been to New York but my husband promises to take me one year during Christmastime (he's from New Jersey and says what I see and love in every movie is accurate)!!

    Enjoy your day and stay stylish. ;)
    ~Brianna, "Silly Mommy"

  4. Congratulations on your special day in the spotlight. I hope it's everything you ever wanted. I'm off to explore you world.

    Have a fun day in the sun.

  5. Happy SITS Day!!
    And OMG that marshmellow shake looks amazing! Now if I can keep myself from drooling all over the keyboard I am going to look around more! =)

  6. Congratulations on your special, special SITS day!

  7. Happy SITS day!! I hope its everything you expected and more.

  8. Happy SITS day to you! What a fabulous start to a new week.

    Congrats on the freelance work you are getting to do. What a great opportunity. =)

  9. Happy day SITStah. I love NY and I love freelance writing. Two major things going for you. All the best.


  10. Dropping by from SITS. Have a great day!

  11. What a great way to start the weekend! Stopping by from SITS to get to know you better ;)

    Heather from Acting Balanced

  12. happy SITS day^^


  13. Happy SITS day to you!

    Like a lot of the commenters here I love New York too, I've been 4 times so far and I'd love to go back soon. It's a bit far from Scotland but I'm sure I can think of an excuse.

    Have a lovely day,

  14. Saw you featured on SITS! I think it's so neat that an editor saw your blog and asked you to write freelance for them. Is there any way you can link to those articles you write so we can see them, too?

  15. I like the look of your paintings! from one painter to another Niiiiice!
    Happy SITS day from Auckland New Zealand :)

  16. Congrats!!!! Never stop blogging because it's one of your keys to your success. ;-)
