A blogger seeking a richer life... in a wasteland called the suburbs... for my family, myself, and anyone who will listen!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Marvel at Their Beauty

They're perfectly beautiful... say no more... What I made from these baby bokchoy, red and napa cabbage for dinner last night didn't do them justice, so here they are in a raw state, tasty and deliciously crunchy, reminding me that the red cabbage makes a wonderful snack, just chop and place in little snack baggie for those on-the-go days... say everyday, right Moms?!


  1. Yummy or not, those are some beautiful pictures. Way to appreciate your vegetables.

  2. They look fab! What did you end up making?
    PS visiting from SITS :)

  3. How funny! I think Napa cabbage is absolutely gorgeous, and I posted some photos on my blog a couple of months ago because I just HAD to share its beauty!

    What did you end up making? I did a stir fry with other veggies and I think chicken.

    Do you find that Napa cabbage lasts unbelievably long in the fridge? Mine has been around forever. I keep peeling a few leaves off of it for cooking and it still looks fresh and perfect.

  4. THe photos are gorgeous but I can't imagine nibbling on raw cabbage. Although I do love my tomatoe, rice and cabbage soup. ;)
