A BLIP on my BLOG time line happened yesterday... yes I actually didn't post a blog yesterday for the first time since I began writing last September! Is this some ominous omen... NO... does it mean I'm losing my drive to write, to connect... NO... I'm still Type A, really driven to create, although not OCD where I'll go crazy that it's not a perfect (Virgos can be perfectionists, but I'm not one of those) time line... and oh, does it really matter, who cares?, is anyone really reading... following my blog? I'm allowed an insecure moment here or there, but the real reason it didn't happen yesterday is that my whole schedule is being thrown off by school ending on Tuesday.
Yes, my morning routine is so out of whack!!!
There IS NO routine... there's been 8th grade graduation, parties to celebrate, my other son is leaving for sleep-away camp on Saturday, it was my husbands' birthday on the 1st day of summer, trying to get the pool in shape still, the dog still has a booboo on his neck... then there's the dentist, orthodontist appointments, the 'last sushi supper' before camp, last requests before camp errands... it just keeps going... and then it will all suddenly come to a halt on Saturday when my challenging 12 year old leaves on the bus... peace and tranquility will follow... and it will probably be deafening... and I will miss him.
What will the TV do without him...
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