A blogger seeking a richer life... in a wasteland called the suburbs... for my family, myself, and anyone who will listen!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Joined At The Hip

My new camera and I are joined at the hip... so last night after making this flower arrangement with Tulips and Viburnum from my garden, I couldn't resist taking about 25 shots with the incandescent light of my kitchen.  There were only a few I liked...  and I've learned over the years, after doing some professional photography (sports stuff), that the more the better, you can never take too many.  Most of the time you can't go back.  We used to say, "film is cheap", now with digital, there's no excuse for not shooting with a high ratio!

Spring Flowers with Sleeping Dog...

Don't love the orange on the plate with the plums and avocados

So this morning I decided to take photos of the flowers with the limited amount of morning light in the kitchen and some incandescent... after the kids went off to school...

Notice the color change, and there's no orange on the plate (phew!), that was bugging me

Wish I had smell-o-vision for you, because the fragrance is just so wonderful.
Obsessive maybe, but I'm going to photograph them again when the natural light gets better in my kitchen later on today.
If you REALLY want to be inspired check out these photos from one of my favorite bloggers ohjoy, and the images from stylist, Camilla Krishnaswamy.

Have a great weekend... and if you love taking pictures, bring your camera with you on errands, it'll make going to the supermarket a lot more interesting.

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