Sarcasm aside... A few weeks ago I was the victim. While driving my son to his tennis lesson, we were waiting at a light, when I looked in my rear view mirror and saw he was coming straight at me... the man was texting while driving, not stopping until he made contact with my car... we humans were physically alright, but the car had about $2,000 in damages and we were hassled for a week with a rental car.
Now a few weeks later brings us to yesterday, when I saw 3 (!) people within a 2 mile distance driving erratically only to find they were also texting. I managed to avoid them this time... is it me or has distracted driving become a force to be reckoned with in 2011?
Here's my plea to the Moms... we spend so much of our time in the car driving our kids to activities which increases our chances of being a victim... speak out NOW!
Thanksgiving tops the list for the most dangerous time of the year for driving... please be careful and have a great Thanksgiving!