A blogger seeking a richer life... in a wasteland called the suburbs... for my family, myself, and anyone who will listen!

Friday, May 14, 2010

A Place For Kids

The Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) in NYC is a place I've recommended before to take the kids...  and showing now through October 24th is Dead or Alive, with the work of over 30 international artists who have transformed organic and in most cases living organisms into sculptures and installations.  With a name like 'Mad Cow Motorcycle', the kids will go crazy (good crazy)...

and this one called 'Landscape I'...

and this one 'Sound Suit'...

Spring and Fall are the best times to be in the city, to walk around and take it all in, and once you leave the exhibition, you'll look at everything around you (even the city's garbage) in a new way... 
Oh, and they have something called MAD Saturday - Family Day, from 11am to 2pm, no reservations,  space is limited... spend the day discovering art, meeting artists, and being creative!

Their restaurant Robert is now open for lunch and dinner too.

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  1. Wow, that's such an innovative theme - I wish I could get there!

    Thanks for visiting on my SITS day. You're right that there isn't so much art in the blog world, but there are a couple of blogs I think you would like:
    Dave King blogs about poetry and art, and Kirsty is planning an origami-based installation.

  2. I live kind of in the middle of nowhere at this point, so I have to experience such things vicariously. ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my SITS day last Monday!
