Yesterday my beautiful niece sent a bit-o-sunshine to all on FB from Paris, about a group of indie musicians from San Francisco (my old town for 11 years) whose new album "Big Echo" will debut on March 9th. I wanted to share with you their refreshing sound... so join me in listenng to 'The Morning Benders' on YouTube...
"The Morning Benders joined by a group of friends and SF music found-abouts..."
Besides connecting with friends and family today, and getting some work done, the only thing I can think of that might lift my spirits is something chocolate... just a bit-o- chocolate... I don't want to make up those 11.5 pounds I've lost since January!
I've been wanting to turn my kids onto chocolate malt... and these Chocolate-Malt Sandwiches from Martha Stewart are just the perfect thing to satisfy my love of semisweet chocolate and that touch of tangy malt...
When the kids come home from school today these will be waiting for them with a cold glass of milk
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