Gaylord Hotels' ICE
Harbin, China
What do you get when you combine Two Million pounds of ICE and 40 award-winning Chinese artisans?... a simulated North Pole in the middle of Florida! At Gaylord Hotels, the whole family can experience 'ICE', a Christmas Spectacular, now in it's seventh year... through January 3rd. Share your 'holiday memories' for a chance to win a 2 night stay at the Hotel... or you could travel to China (13 hours from NY, Yikes!) for the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival starting January 5 and lasts to the end of February.
Now if you're really SERIOUS about COLD, and your kids are a wide age range, head north to Mont Tremblant Ski Resort for a whole winter culture, or if it's too cold now, enjoy it during spring break. Let me know what your No.1 ski resort is for the family?
ICE! runs through early Jan. at all four Gaylord Hotels. Cherish your holiday memories? Gaylord Hotels invites you to share them and have an opportunity to win a vacation at one of their resorts in Nashville, Kissimmee, National Harbor and Dallas. Visit: www.ShareChristmasMemories.com