Whenever I think of October... I picture a pumpkin as the "O"! Is that commercial, corny, maybe... With daily reminders that Halloween is just around the corner, I am reminiscing about some of my old time favorite candy, candy that my kids have just discovered in the last few years. Wax Lips, Sugar Daddy, Charleston Chew, Bubble Gum Cigars, Bit-O- Honey, Cracker Jack, Tootsie Roll, just a few, or maybe you don't remember these old time candies...but it's fun to look back at the history of some of them, a history lesson that you can share with your kids when they're chomping away at their 'Trick 0r Treat' stash and you're trying not to think about the dental bills. You can also Google 'old candy commercials/youtube' my kids are amused, or go to 'oldtimecandy.com' and they give a little history, and sort candy by the decade. 'Tootsie.com' is having a contest, they want you to guess how many licks it takes to get to the center. You can have fun with this after Halloween and slow down the sugar intake (ha,ha!).
Martha Stewart, whatever your thoughts are about her, has great pumpkin ideas, and one this season that is not too ambitious. You need to buy pumpkins and carrots (not the baby ones), the carrots are the noses like the ones used on a snowman. Why didn't I think of that!
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